Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Forgiveness Project

Awareness, Education, Inspiration

The Forgiveness Project works at a local, national and international level to help build a future free of conflict and violence by healing the wounds of the past.

By collecting and sharing people's stories, and delivering outreach programmes, The Forgiveness Project encourages and empowers people to explore the nature of forgiveness and alternatives to revenge.

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I think forgiveness is the most important quality to be nurtured in today's world--both for ourselves and others.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Donors Choose: A Giving Opportunity

Teachers ask. You choose. Students learn.

DonorsChoose is a simple way to provide students in need with resources that our public schools often lack. Here, teachers submit ideas for materials or experiences that their students need to learn. Individuals like you can choose a project and make it a classroom reality.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Different Kind of Gifting

I was reading about glamourbombs today and was led through some links to Drop Spots. The idea is that you find a secret hiding place in your town to leave a gift of some kind. Then you post your "drop" to the Drop Spots website so someone else can find your hiding place. They leave something for you--or the next person to visit the location. Sounds fun!

Saturday, May 12, 2007


"The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude."- Friedrich Nietzsche

I sent out nine blessing packages yesterday, including one to Japan!

What I haven't done until now is acknowledge on this blog a generous donation I received from a reader. She is an online acquaintance I met through Artella and she sent me *a lot* of postage stamps. I've now sent out at least 30 packages with the postage she donated and have enough left for at least another 20 more. It's the biggest contribution that's been made to the Conspiracy and I am immensely grateful every time I am sticking stamps on an envelope.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

PostcardX: Random Acts of Mailed Kindness

I can't believe I didn't have PostcardX in the links for this blog. I signed up last year and have received 9 marvelously quirky packages since. I've received poems and art, magazine cut outs, post cards, and even a coin purse made from a baby's sock with frogs! How wonderful weird is that!

I was wracking my brain for possible recipients of blessing packages today (I have so much piled up that I want to give away!) and realized I "owed" a few reciprocal packages to people who had mailed me from the PostcardX site. Now I just have to remember that site is there when I'm itching to send out packages and there are no requests from here to fill.

Art Dolls

Recent packages have included these art dolls I started making the weekend before last. They are so fun! I have lots and lots of fabric and embellishments to use, so if you want to request one as part of a blessing package, please do so!

I'm also thinking about putting together a basket of these dolls for the local domestic violence shelter with some kind of encouraging blessing packet to go with them.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Study: Doing Good Make You Feel Good

From an article at "There's a new incentive to doing good things for others: It makes you happier, according to a new study."

I have to say that I personally have a lot more joy in my every day life when I'm actively working on the Conspiracy or other service/generosity related activities.