Monday, February 27, 2006


I received my first comment on this blog last night and it is such a gift. Someone out there already finds me and this project to be an inspiration. I've already achieved my goal of making a difference in at least one person's life--which is the most anyone can ask for I think. The rest is just whip cream and cherries. :)

Serendipity....yesterday I was questioning the purpose of the blog in this project, wondering if I'm just trying to feed my ego by getting accolades for what I'm doing. But that isn't my intent. I want a place people who received my gifts could go to find out what it's all about. I want a place to interact with recipients if they so choose. I want a place for stories, especially since visiting other kindness and generosity sites and realizing how inspirational the stories can be. And I do want to inspire others to be Blessing Conspirators of some kind. I feel good about this. I feel witnessed and appreciated this morning, which are the best kind of feelings possible (and I wouldn't have these feelings if this blog didn't exist).

Time to go give out some appreciation to others while on my lunch break.

I found myself constantly thinking about the packet of Blessing Cards in my purse this weekend and feeling like I was missing something by not going anywhere that I could leave them. A new obstacle = weather. Stormy conditions do not facilitate wandering around to gift, nor leaving gifts in outdoor locations.


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