Saturday, June 24, 2006


A friend of mine is the scene editor for a local newspaper. She just sent out an email this afternoon about a reading at a local coffee shop tonight by the creators of Found Magazine, which is an interactive creative project where found writings and photographs are sent in from around the country and published online, in magazines, and books. Oh my gosh! How had I failed to find them on my own? Even though I'm rarely spontaneous about outings, I had to go since this was exactly the kind of project I've been researching lately as I figure out my own little interactive creativity niche. I feel The Conspiracy is just the beginning of something bigger and more interactive. What fun and inspiration! I love how these snippets of some stranger's life evoke such humor and compassion and curiousity in people. It's like a sneaky intimate peak into someone's personal story. And it turns out Davy Rothbart is also someone I've enjoyed listening to on NPR's This American Life radio show (it's one of my writing dreams to be on that show!). I gave Davy one of my Conspiracy postcards and let him know to expect an art blessing package when he gets back home from the tour. I highly recommend checking out the magazine or books (which include great graphic design). Talk about an engaging conversation piece when you have guests over!


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