Saturday, November 03, 2007

Conspiracy Collaborators

Yesterday, I received a package envelope in the mail that jangled...a lot. Kind of sounded like there was something broken inside. I didn't recognize the address, even from people I've corresponded with concerning donations to the Conspiracy. I was intrigued. I opened it up to find it overflowing with papers and ephemera for art making. Jeanette at PostcardX sent me the package. I love that I get unexpected suprises from PostcardX every couple of months. It brings a little dash of creative magic to life. I must remember during lulls in blessing requests that I have an endless source of people to bless there.

Also, as noted in a comment on a previous blog post, Kara from and the wonderful "A Peace of..." blog and collaborative art project, is sending some 1000 Faces of Mother Henna art to include in blessing packages. Very, very cool.

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Blogger Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

Thanks for the mention and post of our Seek Peace face, April! I sent out an envelope the other day. If you think of it, will you zap me quickly when it arrives so I know it's there? Many thanks and if we can contribute again in the future or in some other way, just let me know!! Miracles, k-

7:06 PM  

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