Monday, July 02, 2007

Sometimes Life Gets In The Way

I sent out five packages today and will send out another three in the next couple of days. These are requests I received over the month of June but I allowed life to keep me from fulfilling. I have a hard time not feeling guilty when this happens. I feel a responsibility to follow through unless I've posted a message letting people know I'm taking a break. Especially if someone sends a message because they are having a hard time and need a little light in their life. Yet, I still allow myself to procrastinate because I feel no inspiration or I'm distracted by family or work life. It's a struggle to understand exactly what it going on within me, why I'll suddenly feel like I have nothing to give, or no desire to give. All I can hope for now is that Divine Timing is also at work and the packages go out when they are most needed.

Please don't let this discourage you from asking for an art blessing! I'm back on track again and will do better in the future to post a note during those periods of time that I may not immediately follow through on requests.



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