Friday, August 04, 2006

Back in the groove....

I am employed again. Yay! I started on Monday with a wonderful agency that provides community services to the elderly. The culture is everything I have ever dreamed for in a work environment but was not experiencing. I'm excited.

My month of unemployment proved to be a vacation at every possible level of existence for me (except emotional since we had a few minor tragedies take place). I did very little art or blogging or anything else that might be construed as productive (other than cook wonderful meals for my family since I wasn't burned out every evening). I think it was good for me. I can be a driven over-achiever and have some lessons to learn about rest and the value of not being productive all the time.

Now that I'm working again, I'm feeling reinvigorated and motivated to expand the reach of The Conspiracy. I have some new art projects in progress to include with future blessing packages. I'm catching up on requests this weekend. And I'm inviting the Universe to bless me with new ideas and opportunities to evolve this project.

Thank you for being here and sharing this space with me.



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